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Where is a Magnet's Strongest and Weakest Point?

The strength of a magnet is determined by a variety of variables. One of the most noticeable is the placement of the magnet's magnetic poles, which hold the magnet's positive and negative charges. The poles also generate the magnet's invisible magnetic field force. The poles of…

How Far Do Magnets Reach?

You've undoubtedly wondered, "How far can magnets reach?" if you've ever attempted to pull a vehicle or launch a missile. The fact is that the possibilities are limitless. Ho…

How Do Magnets Work in Water?

Magnets behave differently in water than they do on land. Some things float in water due to their buoyancy. There is also greater resistance, making movement more difficult. Magnets will there…

Can You Magnet Fish Anywhere?

Neodymium is the world's strongest permanent magnet. It is also known as NdFeB. It is lightweight and used in a variety of applications. This magnet is resistant to extreme temperatures as…

What Size Magnet to Stop Water Meter?

Before purchasing a magnet to stop a water meter, you need know what size it is and why you need it. In general, a magnet of 50 mm in diameter and 30 mm thick will perform nicely. It should al…

Profit From Magnet Fishing

There are various methods to earn from magnet fishing. Buying and selling magnet fishing equipment is one method to generate money. Different methods to earn from magnet fishing include sellin…

Can You Cut a Magnet With a Grinder?

A grinding wheel is helpful in a number of scenarios. It can be used to cut metal, but can it be used to cut a magnet? Here are some ways to consider. Hammering or chiseling the magnet may spl…
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About the author

Derek is an avid fisherman who enjoys nothing more than a day on the water. He likes fishing the most when the lakes are frozen over in the winter. Derek got hooked on fishing as a child and has gained a lot of expertise from it. He's always eager to share his expertise and demonstrate how to fish.
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